티스토리 뷰

I went "to the concerns of readers of" extravagant're worried! What one by Bob confirmed their feelings of want to get married, "he gave another long interview in active consultation with," We want to work in a range that can be. And the "usually" want to cherish and spend the day. "

I felt the wonder that was reflected in the Nogizaka46 a member of the Saito main tapioca campaign poster attached to the back of the ledge of the eleven-Nogizaka46 I have a concert month in Taipei Arena is when I went to Taiwan, Seven. Taiwan Seven-Eleven Japan as

OL yieotdamyeon and 'in minutes Nogizaka46 Shiraishi Mai autumn version of "senior ideal" smoke OL realistic scenes. Lunch scenes Shiraishi matrix is ​​formally at the store beak Order Terry formal and does not stop the chopsticks after shutdown caused shooting. If you have plenty of good eating these beautiful senior day

A candidate to the place where the following current position of the group appeared in the national tour of Paris 2019. The lyrics of "Sing Out! 'Is the phrase Challenges of Nogizaka46 to find the answer will continue coming. (Watanabe Akihiro) 乃 木 坂 46 佐 々 木琴 子, ハ ロ ウ ィ ン 豆 知識 披露" ハ ロ ウ ィ ン は 興味 あ る よ. 渋 谷 の じ ゃな く て "Nogizaka46 Sasaki kotoko, Halloween mug to show off knowledge" Halloween is rather interesting in Shibuya. "time: 2019-10-27 07:00 source:

Two hours News Archive guys Movie flip'm ㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ baby in to dating pretty damn funny and * hot-rolled auto collection / translation may be wrong, articles La 白石 麻衣 妄想 OL あ る あ る シ ー ン を 熱 演, 思 わ ず ス タ ッ フ も 見 惚 れ る Shiraishi Mai delusion OL Scene, I think without the staff also holttak banhada time: 2019-10-26 11:41 source: ド ワ ン ゴ ジ ェ イ ピ ー news address: 10 月 28 日 (月) 発 売 の with12月号 (講 談 社) に 「OL · 白石 麻衣」 が 帰 っ て き た!今 号 で は, 3 月 号 で 大 好評 だ っ た "も し も 白石 麻衣 が OL だ っ た な ら" の 秋 版 と し て, "理想 の 先輩" に 扮 す る 乃 木 坂 46 の

Would like, "This does green with? Pencil? The dirty little paper pencil Is it because I think, but also every single hair drawn so delicate and well done - that" he "is, but also four parasitic Khaki (Haruka) Chan I picture a lot of skilled people is good ~ "he praised. Also in Kakegawa I like that "why bother to hear that my responsibility, and seems to be brought."

Kakegawa one you like Sayaka has appeared covered his face like a mask on his portrait painted. Like, "Hello! October is the 25th Sasaki kotoko responsible for Friday delivery!" As if the portrait is to say Forza personnel "Today was watching the animation in the home and is listening to the rain sound was watching the outside appearance," says for a bit

(Laughs) Those who smear the "high but expressed disapproval" heart seems to come to cosplay ~ "The Further" It's Halloween and Ireland because your favorite not here in Shibuya Halloween interested, "one Sasaki. Commenting on Halloween" acquaintance Could you? Jack-o'-lantern pumpkin is a wealth of knowledge about one of the island that was the first foal in Ireland. "

Yourself sticky in the scene, "Come on!" Said Shiraishi attached handwritten coffee. Videos of this precious state also is expected to magazines such as SNS. Besides, what good respect for the idea of ​​dating the boss liked knowing what had become "the concerns of readers of" extravagant

I'm glad it tries it because, "he said. Finally in Shanghai concert was conducted conducting members live in China's SNS American Hiroshi (weibo), or increase the followers policies, this time members of the countdown and sign cheki to be held It carried a gift. in addition, in partnership with videos about bilibili

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